Speech Services

I have a Masters of Science degree in Speech-Language Pathology from the University of Reno, Nevada (UNR). I am licensed by the Speech-Language Pathology & Audiology Board of California and have my Clinical Competency Certificate from the American Speech, Language & Hearing Association (ASHA).
I worked at the Nevada Community Enrichment Program (a traumatic brain injury facility) and Washoe Medical Center for 4 years before coming to the Susanville area. I taught communication skills with Lassen County Office of Education for four years and Plumas Unified School District for one year. I have been fortunate to be a part of the Susanville School District since August 2001.
The Susanville School District has a great Speech and Language Program. All of our students have access to the program whether they are in need of intensive intervention or simply a bit of consultation with their parents or teachers concerning sound errors. Our goal is to increase the students' communication skills and provide them with those skills necessary to be successful as adults.
If you have questions concerning your child's communication skills, please, refer to the following attachments or contact me at your school site.

Sound Acquisition Chart